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    Bring your hunger to Jesus

    Have you ever found yourself snacking, unsure exactly why? You’re just, hungry . . . for something. But in a lot of ways, we’re all looking for something to fill us, to satisfy us. Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss how the hunger in our souls can find satisfaction when we “Bring It to […]

    The Story of My Eating Disorder

    There are quite a few obstacles I’ve had to overcome in my 23 years of life so far. But each obstacle has only made me stronger. One obstacle in particular was something I never thought I would get through.

    He Understands and Cares

    When asked if he thought that ignorance and apathy were problems in modern society, a man joked, “I don’t know and I don’t care.”

    I suppose many discouraged people feel that way about the world today and the people in it. But when it comes to the perplexities and concerns of our lives, Jesus fully understands, and He deeply cares. Isaiah 53, an Old Testament prophecy of the crucifixion of Jesus, gives us a glimpse of what He went through for us. “He was oppressed and afflicted . . . led like a lamb to the slaughter” (v. 7). “For the…

    Pizza and God’s Presence

    Not placing an order at a pizzeria may have saved Kirk Alexander’s life. When Alexander, who’d been purchasing pizza almost daily since 2009, hadn’t placed an order in more than a week, the restaurant’s manager asked a delivery driver to go to the customer’s house and check on him. Sure enough, Alexander didn’t answer the door—even though his lights and TV were on. Thanks to the driver’s 911 call, Alexander—who required “immediate medical attention”—received treatment and survived.

    “For God’s Sake!”

    As I read the news account of the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that rocked Ecuador in 2016, the exclamation of one young man stood out: “For God’s sake, help me find my family!”

    God is enough

    Is God really enough? In the face of losing a child, the grief can feel overwhelming. But as Mindy and Arlen found, God is more than enough. Discover God’s comfort and security for whatever you’re facing, even when you grieve.   Since the time Arlen’s story was recorded, Hannah’s cancer has returned.  She has just […]

    Does God Have a Blueprint For Our Lives?

    If you want a 21st-century snapshot of the tower of Babel, you should visit Belgium’s Brussels Airport. I recently had a short layover there while on my way home from a trip abroad.

    Into the Dark Unknown

    At the outset of World War II, a man—who would eventually rescue 669 children from Nazi slaughter—helped two Jewish boys secure passage on a train escaping Czechoslovakia. After the war, the boys received a final letter from their parents who had died in a concentration camp.

    What Lasts Forever?

    My friend, who had gone through many difficulties recently, wrote, “As I reflect on the past four semesters of student life, so many things have changed . . . . It is scary, really scary. Nothing stays forever.”

    Indeed, many things can happen in two years—a career change, newfound friendship, illness, death. Good or bad, a life-altering experience may be lurking just round the corner, waiting to pounce! We simply don’t know. What great comfort, then, to know that our loving heavenly Father does not change.

    The psalmist proclaims, “You remain the same, and your years will never end” (Ps. 102:27). The…

    Behind the Scenes

    My daughter sent a text message to a friend, in hopes of having a question answered quickly. Her phone’s messaging service showed that the recipient had read the message, so she waited anxiously for a reply. Mere moments passed, yet she grew frustrated, groaning her annoyance at the delay. Irritation eroded into worry; she wondered whether the lack of response meant there was a problem between them. Eventually a reply came and my daughter was relieved to see their relationship was quite amiable. Her friend had simply been sorting out the details needed to answer the question.

    The Old Testament prophet…

    Connecting the Dots

    In the 1850s, cholera was a global scourge capable of devastating entire cities. When a particularly terrible outbreak hit the Soho neighborhood of London, Dr. John Snow realized that the outbreak centered around a certain water pump. Snow then noticed that rather than this being an isolated case, the fiercest outbreaks always seemed to focus around these water sources. By connecting the outbreaks to infected pumps, Dr. Snow was able to establish that cholera was spread by contaminated water—a landmark step towards eradicating its terrible effects.

    Bringing your impossibilities to Jesus

    You’ve heard it said, “Nothing is impossible with God.” But living in that reality can be harder than just saying it! And today on Discover the Word, we continue the conversation in our series titled, “Bring It to Jesus.” It’s a discussion on the power of bringing even our impossibilities to Jesus. Listen today to Discover […]

    Bringing your health to Jesus

    When we pray for healing, and it doesn’t come, where is God then? Today on Discover the Word, the team continues their series titled, “Bring It to Jesus,” and they’re going to be talking about bringing our health to Jesus. Listen right here on Discover the Word!

    Bringing your friends to Jesus

    How do we bring our friends to Christ? Today on Discover the Word, we will open up Mark chapter 2 to talk about how we can bring our friends to Jesus, and then trust that He’ll do what’s best for them. It’s from the series titled, “Bring It to Jesus.” Listen today on Discover the Word!

    Bringing your children to Jesus

    Do you ever worry about the children in your life? Of course, you do. We worry about them when they’re infants, and we worry about them when they’re adults. So today on Discover the Word, we’ll gather around the table to discuss how we can bring our children to Jesus. Can we trust God with […]

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